Onsite Cal/OSHA compliant fire extinguisher training classes for San Diego businesses.
Safewest offers Cal/OSHA compliant training classes that use a combination of classroom training and hands-on training to teach your employees the fundamentals of fire extinguisher use. Attendees will learn about fire safety, fire extinguisher inspection, and how to operate the specific types of fire extinguishers at your workplace.
The classroom portion is taught by professional safety educators with experience in incipient-stage firefighting.
For the hands-on portion, we use the safe, but realistic propane-powered extinguisher training system. This allows each attendee to practice using an extinguisher and develop correct technique, without the hazards of liquid fuel. Water charged extinguishers mean no dry chemical residue, eliminating concerns about contamination, runoff and respiratory hazards.
“Having retired from the Fire Service after twenty years and attended many training classes, your instructor was very knowledgeable on the subject and presented in a very easy manner that all laypersons could understand and benefit from.”
-Museum Security Lead, San Diego, CA
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