Need to get your company approved in ISNetworld? Whether you already have a safety program and need help completing your ISN submittal, or you need a full safety program created, we can help.
We've helped a variety of companies of all sizes, from one employee to hundreds, get approved in ISN. Done correctly, a proper ISN setup with grow your client base, save your administrative time, and can even lower your worker's compensation premiums.
We are based in California, and have specific expertise with the Cal/OSHA program requirements in ISN, but can also help employers in other plan states, or those under Federal OSHA jurisdiction.
Unlike some ISN consultants, we don't paste your name into a generic template and submit it for approval; we create a document for your
company that serves as your everyday safety program, written in an accessible way your management team and employees can understand. There's no contract or obligation for ongoing program management, we can do as little or as much as you need. Some clients have had us create an entire safety program and manage their ISN account on a regular basis, others have had us just create one or two specific RAVs/programs they were having difficulty with.
Contact us for a free consultation.